Sub C Divers is a Community Amateur Sports Club registered with a British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) registration number 1206. It is run in accordance with BSAC guidelines and fully accepts and promotes BSAC’s key principles recognising that scuba divers get much more out of the sport as part of a club. 

As with all BSAC clubs, Sub C Divers is run by a team of volunteers and we currently have 60 members 25 of which are instructors. BSAC diving offers the opportunity for some of the most thrilling, challenging and rewarding dives a diver can undertake whilst at the same time providing an environment that promotes fun, friendship, adventure and personal development.

Since the foundation of Sub C Divers in 1981 meetings have been held on Wednesday evenings at Howe Bridge Leisure Centre, Atherton. Training lectures and any committee meetings are held from 7pm, club meetings from 8.00pm, and pool sessions. We offer a range of courses to the local community, including SCUBA diving, snorkelling and boat handling. We’re open to anyone from 8 years old, from all walks of life and abilities, including disabled participants. 

Sub C Divers is funded by annual membership fees supported by numerous fund-raising events throughout the year. Even though there is a need for investment, as a club we recognize the need to promote social responsibility and pre lockdown we have made donations to the RNLI and Christies, the latter through the provision of free training and sponsorship.

Sub C Divers has a committee of 12 members, these include Chairman, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Diving Officer, Equipment Officer, 2 x Training Officer, Welfare Officer, Membership Secretary, Branch Secretary, Events and Social Officer and Deputy equipment officer. 

Continue reading our full appeal and supporting videos at www.