As a branch of BS-AC Sub-C-Divers offers a range of diver training courses to suit all levels of ability from complete beginner to experienced diver.

If you have never dived before you might want to consider a try dive before embarking on a full diver training course. Sub-C-Divers can arrange this – BOOK A TRYDIVE 


BS-AC offers Seven levels of structured diver training, starting with Discovery Diver. Trainees accompanied by a parent/carer  may start this course aged of 10.

The courses includes a number of sessions in the swimming pool, some classroom theory lessons and finally a series of “open
water” assessments. This course is suitable for anyone who is in good health, has a reasonable level of fitness and is able to
satisfactorily complete a 200 meters swim test.

All training is undertaken by fully qualified BS-AC instructors who are also members of the Sub-C-Divers. There are a number of
skills that must be learned in the swimming pool before moving on to the open water stage, these will be taught over a number of
weekly sessions. The number of sessions required varies from person to person and there is no time limit, what is important is that
each trainee is entirely competent and comfortable with each skill before moving on to the next.

In order to undertake Diver training, you must first join BS-AC – Prices can be found HERE.. There is a charge of £73 to cover the cost of the training materials which include lecture notes to accompany the classroom theory lessons, a full colour Diving Manual, Divers log book and your qualification record book which you will need to present when you go diving in the future.

Sub-C-Divers membership is £150.00 for the first year, reducing to £110.00 per year thereafter and £85.00 per year for students in full time education.  


For more information about learning to dive with BS-AC, click here or contact Sub C Divers

Skill Development Courses (SDCs)

Diving is a diverse and exciting sport, offering endless opportunities to build your experience, learn new skills and explore new diving horizons.

BS-AC offers a wide range of special interest courses, designed to ensure you get the very best out of your diving. Our programme of Skill Development Courses (SDCs) are regularly held by Regional Coaching Teams, BS-AC Centres and can be staged in Clubs.

So, whether your interest is in rescue, wrecks, technical, marine life or photography, there is a BS-AC specialist course for everybody.

Our current courses include:

Already a qualified SCUBA Diver?  Come and Join our branch.